Let’s approach our business from a place of authenticity & connection, shall we?

Hey, I’m Miranda 

… & I want you to love your business again. I wish we could be sitting at a coffee shop chatting biz growth & strategy, girl. I truly want you to feel inspired to create the way you were made to - so during our time together we are going to cut the fluff and help you find solutions for what’s next in your biz.

I started Thriving Creatives Co. in 2023 because I saw a need in the business world to approach marketing from a place of authenticity & connection. With the rise of AI, cookie-cutter strategies, and template-based websites, it’s getting hard to stand out among the rest.

I am passionate to help people build a business they can thrive in - and as creatives, isn’t that all that we want? To hone in our craft with excellence, serve clients, grow, and ditch the rest? Well, I’m here to help with just that - and through the services I provide, the networking community I’ve built, and the resources I’ve curated, I am confident you will find something great here.

I can’t wait to connect,


Okay, let’s get started :)

With packages built with excellence & budget in mind, our passion is to create an online space for you and your business that will wow clients every time.

Website Design

Come experience networking-made-fun inside of Creatives Collective. This is a great way to connect with other business owners &  authentically grow your business.


Sometimes when it comes to growing your biz, you just need some support with your content creation! Well, I absolutely love this - so check out our content packages today & see how I can serve you.

Social Media

Perfect for bloggers ✽ authors ✽ designers ✽ coaches ✽ photographers ✽ stylists & salons ✽ and more :)

It’s Official.

It’s time to take your business to the next level.

Boring business growth is out for 2024 - can we all agree? We are here to help you with what feels hard, so you can keep doing what you love.